4 letter blocks

practice-typing-blocks-of-4-letters-left-curly bracket-and-right-curly bracket

{ }


Level 157 Practice - 4 letter blocks: { }

Level description:

Typing 4 letter blocks. Typing letter blocks, also known as practicing touch-typing by focusing on specific letter combinations or key clusters.

Typing letter blocks improves your typing fluency, allowing you to smoothly transition from one key combination to another. This can lead to a more natural and effortless typing experience.

5 Touch typing tips to consider:

  1. Keyboard Height : Adjust the keyboard height so your wrists remain straight while typing. A keyboard tray or an adjustable desk can help achieve the right height.
  2. Carpal Tunnel Stretch : Perform a gentle stretch by pressing your palms together, fingers pointing upward.
  3. Wrist Rest Usage : Use a padded wrist rest sparingly, as it's meant for occasional support during breaks, not continuous typing.
  4. Index Finger (J) : Use the index finger to type the "J" key, just like the left hand's "F" key.
  5. Numbers and Symbols : Practice typing numbers and symbols to increase versatility.


Remember, mastery takes time and patience. Focus on each step, monitor your progress, and keep practicing. Over time, your touch typing skills will significantly improve, leading to both speed and accuracy.
